Rare Books Library
Manuscripts Library
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Welcome to the Vira Sadhana
Tantric Preservation Project |
The tradition of Yoga stems
back thousands of years, first passed on through oral
tradition, and then laboriously recorded on palm leaf and
paper manuscripts. With a limited lifespan of a few hundred
years, it was necessary for scribes to recopy the rare
manuscripts before they were destroyed through the natural
decay of time. Today, with the advent of technology and fast
paced culture, hundreds of thousands of rare manuscripts are
being neglected as they crumble into dust, improperly housed
in various libraries and private collections throughout India.
It is literally a race against time before these valuable
records of ancient wisdom are lost forever. To date this
project has successfully preserved 450+ rare books
and manuscripts. This is only a small fraction of the
monumental task which lays ahead.
Although there is substantial growing interest at present by
scholars and general public alike in the esoteric
traditions of India. It remains that the majority of
manuscripts existing in India are now only starting to be
documented. Only a small percentage of them have been
actually published, yet alone translated into modern
languages. Meanwhile manuscripts are corroding into dust from improper storage,
handling and the general decay of time.
The situation with books is not much better, many important
texts were published in the late 1800s and early 1900s
during the time of the British Raj. Most were only
published in limited quantity and are becoming very
challenging to find at present.
With your help this
project seeks to raise $250,000 in funds to support the
collection and preservation of this priceless corpus of
ancient wisdom. |
Use of Funds: |
- Build a climate controlled Library to house the
collection. |
- Purchase digital imaging equipment, microfilm
reader/scanner/printer, binding machine. |
- Travel through India digitally photographing rare
tantric manuscripts and private libraries. |
- Purchase rare Tantric books, Manuscripts
Microfiche facsimiles. |
- Build an ashram / retreat
for permanent research and application of this ancient
branch of knowledge. |
Donate via bank wire transfer, check or paypal |
Financial donations of any amount are
greatly appreciated. |
We have a long list of rare books, manuscripts & microfilms to
purchase. |
Any amount you donate will be used to
help preserve the tantric tradition. |
Thank you for supporting the
Virasadhana Tantric Preservation Project |
Your financial
is greatly appreciated |